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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

and another one bites the apple

thats right food-sports city, or town ... actually we are now reduced to more a like small dwelling -- i dont believe we were ever a nation at all, but had a little bit of a megalomania complex.  anyway, now that this is settled let us move forward. 

i have been called upon to present to you all a 'real' blog entry.  and so, i answer ... with this fart in the wind excuse and a desparate cry to -- oh holy cow,

its time to get some lunch! 

furthermore, i dont believe i have anything really interesting or much at all interesting to say in regards to food-sports ... i mean, come on ... right?  so i am moving the conversation forward, to talk about another passion of mine

um, ok, i just checked my soul ... no other passions exist, sorry and back to food-sports.  actually, once a child while playing one of many fantastical and somewhat sad games i very purdently crafted during my many hours of daily do nothing time ... and so the body was dug up and reburied~! It was a very simple concept and preoccupied many of weeks at a time but for some reason was never adopted into our national pastime of games. 

more, you want more, ... you beg and plead and then throw very ripe tomatoes at me -- that's right do it, i want to be pelted by many ripe tomatoes like they do in spain because it is fun and same with running away from bulls !!! shit, thats right food-sports has now become an international appeal and will be covering obscurities of the kind, this week the focus is on antarctica ...

did you know?  (this is a new section i am working on as well, called 'did you know' very craftily) that in antractica eskimos and such play a very interesting game called wehapalooo -- no no dont go ahead and google it, thats right i just made it up and it does not exist at all.  but, i am sure they play some interesting games or sports in antarctica and probably eat food, oh like seals blubber!  yeah, that is right fat and juicy and they will bottle that stuff too ...

hm, so there you have it folks, i killed aman like i said in my gchat away message ... aman of course being the spicy tuny wrapped in a meditteranean bun like situation.  and i ate it and ate it good. 

sorry folks, in my next entry i promise some real insight into todays world, actual facts and interesting ones too, and some painful reflection digging deep into the meaning of life and revealing the blood guts and tears. 

but for now, make up a game and play it in public ... draw a small crowd, and teach others -- please tell results.




  1. I was hoping for some good nyc commentary! that was one heck of a catchphrase game in Brooklyn

  2. yes yes indeed, catchphrase was brilliant and i do owe an nyc posting as opposed to just alluding to it in the title and then leaving the reader hanging ... off the empire state building.

    ok, alright, nyc post coming up.
